
The hourglass drips on and on, and over time history fades.

What is truth to a king? A tyrant? A god?

And you? What do you value most?

Once upon a time, the land of Aspasia prospered under the peaceful rule of a grand council. Now it's kingdoms lay shattered, its people divided, and its most ancient civilization forgotten. After a thousand years of struggle and the recent opening of ancient portals, long considered obsolete, the world is changing, and its inhabitants struggling. Each choice, each decision, now more important than ever. And you? Which side will you choose?


Breeding threads may be created on any IC board on Lucid, and must have a minimum of three posts IC with each character before foals can be rolled.

Characters may breed between the ages of 18 and 55. Any characters over 55 will need a Love is Love item from the store in order to have foals.

There is a 50% chance that the breeding will be successful (unless a Verdict of Success is purchased from the store), in the case that the breeding is not, a new thread will need to be made and the form re-filled out in order to try again.

Official mates have a 100% of successful conception and healthy offspring.

The Love is Love item from the store allows characters of the same gender to have offspring. HOWEVER, please keep in mind that due to anatomical restrictions, two males will need to find a female to carry and birth their offspring.

Graphic sex and pornographic content is not permitted. Please fade to black and mark all sexual threads with the provided [Mature] tag. If you have questions about what is and isn't allowed feel free to ask a staff member.

  • Pedophilia in any form (including but not limited to grooming, lewd thoughts/behavior, etc.) is strongly prohibited.
  • Incestual relationships of any kind are not allowed on LOA. This includes relationships between close family members (brothers, sisters, parents, etc), and close relatives (first and second cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc).

Birthing and Aging

Please keep others in mind while writing birthing threads. Please keep it tasteful, and fade to black if things get too graphic.

Characters under the age of eighteen will be permitted to age as quickly as one year every week until their eighteenth birthday (at the member's discretion). After they reach eighteen years of age, they will begin a normal aging process.

Foals will not be penalized for increased aging. On their birthing form there will be two dates - the soonest they can reach eighteen - and the latest they can reach eighteen. It is up to the member to decide how quickly their character ages. They can age at an inconsistent rate as well, as long as it is no faster than a year every week.

Offspring Health

When a foal is born, it will be given health according to a dice roll. The stats given to it will affect its development, and quite possibly affect it for the rest of its life. Health stats and mutations can be found below.

Offspring born with a health of two or below will have a chance of being born with a mutation. Offspring born with a health of two (2) will have a 25% chance of being born with a non-lethal mutation, while offspring with a health of one (1) will have a 50% chance of being born with a non-lethal mutation. Characters born with a health of zero (0) will have a 50% chance of being born with a lethal mutation, and another 50% chance of being born stillborn. Offspring born with a lethal mutation will die by an age chosen by staff. Characters born with a lethal mutation will not qualify for increased aging as they do not have long to live.

***Note on Mutations: If a mutation is part of your character's design it will not affect their health (unless desired by the member creating it). This is only a guide for mutations that are applied by staff when your character is concieved and affect their health overall. Other mutations and the results of the said mutations (or lack therof) are not determined by staff and may be used however.

Health Levels:

  • Zero - Option One: The child is a stillborn. This is a result of the staff member rolling two ones from the dice, or the birthing thread being created after the due date. The birthing thread still needs to occur, but a profile does not need to be created.
  • Zero - Option Two: The child is born with a lethal mutation. This is a result of the staff member rolling one, and a two for the second roll of the dice, or the birthing thread being created after the due date. While the character will be born alive, it will be born with a mutation that will cause it to die soon after birth. The age of death will be determined by the type of mutation it inherits. The foal will not need to have a profile created and may be played on the parent account until death. However, the baby is still redeemable at this point, and if the member has the correct item in their inventory, they may bring it to a healer or a shrine before it dies and have the mutation removed.
  • One: The foal is weak and barely breathing. It is almost as if there is little strength left to fight. It is small, and delicate looking, and it seems that almost anything could cause it to die. It will need great care while growing up, and it will always be weaker and more prone to injuries than its peers. Babies born with a health of one will also have a higher chance of being born with non-lethal mutation, and may also be born sick.
  • Two: The foal is weak and delicate looking, though it doesn't seem to be fighting for its life. It takes longer to mature, and its fragility make it weaker and more prone to injuries and sicknesses. Babies born with a health of two will have a small chance of being born with a non-lethal mutation, though it will not be born sick.
  • Three: The foal is breathing and appears to be of normal health. It takes about average for it to mature, though it is slightly behind its stronger peers, and it is only slightly prone to injuries and sicknesses. Babies born with a health of three will not be born sick or with a mutation of any kind.
  • Four: The foal appears slightly above normal heath, and is strong and vigorous. It is only slightly prone to injuries and sicknesses as it ages, and will not be born sick or with a mutation of any kind.
  • Five This foal appears very healthy at birth, and is strong and vigorous. It matures quickly, is has heaps of energy, and is full of curiosity and youthfulness. It is ahead of its peers in most ways, and is not at all prone to injuries or sicknesses.
  • Six: The foal is a little bundle of energy! It is strong and intelligent, and its vigorous bursts of energy leaves its peers behind in the dust. It has no health problems, and it is quick and agile. Even from birth, this baby is ahead of its peers and matures quickly. The future for this little one is bright!

Non-Lethal Mutations:

  • Fully Deaf:
  • The foal is born deaf, and is unable to hear any sound. This makes it almost impossible for them to learn to speak and/or make sounds.
  • Partially Deaf:
  • The foal is born mostly deaf, and is unable to hear all but the loudest sounds. It makes it hard for them to speak or communicate verbally.
  • Fully Blind:
  • The foal is born completely blind and cannot see at all.
  • Partially Blind:
  • The foal is blind in one eye, and cannot see at all out of it. The other eye appears to be working fine, however, and as long as the working eye is kept healthy, they can still see from it.
  • Mute:
  • The foal is unable to learn to speak due to issues with their vocal chords. While they are able to hear normally, they may be thought deaf initially.
  • Melanism:
  • The foal is born with completely black skin, hair, and eyes. All pigment is black, and makes them sensitive to the heat and susceptible to overheating.
  • Albinism:
  • The foal is born with no pigment in the skin, hair, or eyes. Albino characters are extremely sensitive to the sunlight, and become sunburned within minutes. If not careful, they can become extremely sick if over-exposed to sunlight, and possibly die.
  • Hermaphroditism:
  • The character is born with both male and female organs, but will be sterile and unable to reproduce without the proper items.

Lethal Mutations:

  • Extra Limbs:
  • The foal is born with extra paralyzed limbs. The limbs will get in the way, and cause extreme health complications. Characters with this defect can live up to two (2) years of age, and will have extreme physical disabilities.
  • Missing Limbs:
  • The foal is born with one or more missing limbs. Depending on the limb(s) involved, the character may be able to function for most tasks. However, they usually die of complications by four (4) years of age.
  • Conjoined Twins:
  • This is where twins are born sharing parts of the same body. Conjoined twins may be merged at any point on the body, and can learn how to function as a whole. However, conjoined twins usually have excess health complications and do not live a very long life because of them. Conjoined twins usually live between one (1) season and four (4) years of age depending on where they are conjoined. If the proper item is purchased, the twins may be separated by a healer or at a shrine (with the chance that one will die depending on the location of the connection).
  • Mermaid Syndrome (Sirenomelia):
  • Mermaid Syndrome is where both legs are fused together. This condition is quite painful, as the foal will be unable to excrete waste or move as a normal child does. Babies born with this condition usually only live one (1) season.
  • Cyclopism:
  • Born with one eye in the center of the forehead. This is often accompanied by an extreme cleft palate and nasal discharge. Foals born with this condition will typically live around one (1) year.


Foals will inherit a minimum of one ability from their parents (unless neither parent has magic, then the offspring will inherit nothing). The parent and ability will be determined by a dice roll. Dice will also determine if the foal will be born with two abilities (one ability from each parent). If that is the case, dice will be rolled to determine which ability will be inherited from each parent.

Foals born with magic will not be able to level up their magic until they are at least 16 years of age and meet the minimum requirements for the level of magic they are trying to acquire.

Appearance is up to the member to decide. HOWEVER, please keep the appearance of the foal somewhat similar to that of the parents.

Parents will generally only have one foal at a time. However, dice roll (or the proper store item) will determine if there is a rare chance of twins, or even triplets.

Marriage and Mateship

Characters who are in a committed relationship may get married and become mates. There are many perks to becoming mates, but being caught cheating has extreme disadvantages.

Characters must be in at least 7 threads together, with at least 3 posts each.

Once the thread/post count is complete, they must go to their shrine of choice or the Cheery Crusader, to be assigned a quest to have their marriage finalized.

Once the characters complete their quest, they will be married. Once married they will form a mental link similar to that with their companions, and they will be sensitive to their mate's thoughts/emotions/physical sensations/etc (to be determined by the RPers). They will also be able to speak telepathically with each other.

Mates have 100% chance of conception and will have only a 5% chance of offspring with health under 3 and an even lesser chance of offspring with a birth defect.

Mates that attempt to conceive outside of their matrimony will only have a 25% chance of successful conception, and will have a 50% chance of offspring with health below 3, and a higher chance of a birth defect.

Mates can get a divorce, however, the cost is great, and it is highly looked down upon. In order to get a divorce characters must go together to their shrine of choice or the Cheery Crusader. Further instructions will be recieved there.

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