
The hourglass drips on and on, and over time history fades.

What is truth to a king? A tyrant? A god?

And you? What do you value most?

Once upon a time, the land of Aspasia prospered under the peaceful rule of a grand council. Now it's kingdoms lay shattered, its people divided, and its most ancient civilization forgotten. After a thousand years of struggle and the recent opening of ancient portals, long considered obsolete, the world is changing, and its inhabitants struggling. Each choice, each decision, now more important than ever. And you? Which side will you choose?

The Flora and Fauna of Aspasia


Bur Oak: A medium to large sized tree that can offer shade to weary travelers. Acorns provide food for the birds and other creatures that find them appetizing.

Mohr Oak: A large shrub, or sometimes small tree, the Mohr Oak is evergreen. Provides cover from the sun, to those who seek it, and a popular nesting site for birds and bats.

Prairie Crabapple: A small tree with a short trunk and broad head, or crown, of leaves and branches. Crabapples and flowers bloom thicky on the weighted arms of the tree.

Pine Trees: Tall, towering specimens of evergreen trees. Produces pine cones and edible pine seeds. Beloved by birds and other animals.

Cottonwood: A tall tree with branches that spread out in all directions. Its bark can be used to make a bitter medicinal tea that is rumored to heal colds.

Birch Trees: Thin, tall trees that grow near water. These trees are hardy and quick to grow. Their natural immunity to disease and insect attacks make them valuable as protective cover that will not erode.

Sand Sage: Semi evergreen brush that has silver-blue foliage. Can provide partial shade. Important food source for fruit eating birds.

Little-leaf Sumac: A small to medium shrub that has many branches. Its tiny leaflets are interspersed with clusters of white flowers. Its berries are important source of food for birds in the winter time.

Silver Agarita: Small shrub that has pointy, stiff leaves. In the spring time, this can make harvesting its berries painful but those that endure will find sweet, slightly tart berries that please the taste buds and thrill the stomach. The leaves, when chewed have been known to relieve nausea.

Purple Coneflower: A wildflower topped with a spiny, brown central cone surrounded by light purple or white petals. Splaying out like rays of the sun, this happy flower grows in open dry areas.

Blackfoot Daisy: A round bush, often low to the ground, with white daisy faces bursting from the green leaves. A small disk of yellow makes up the center of each flower head, enticing bees to come and gather pollen.

Copper Mallow: Growing on a grayish stem,small, reddish-orange petals that are saucer shaped bloom in small clusters. These wildflowers are fond of dry regions and flourish where others fail.

Common Animals: Coyote, Mountain goats, Badger, Swift fox, Black tailed prairie dogs, White tailed deer


Rubber Tree: This tall, thin tree is rumored to live up to one hundred years. When the silver bark is removed from the tree a white, milky-like sap flows freely. Stories tell of the sap being used to make materials.

Kapok: This majestic tree towers over all the other trees in the rainforest. It trunk grows straight, with large protruding spines to discourage climbing and injury to the tree.

Banana Tree: This tall plant is often mistaken for trees. The large leaves extend out and can be used in the preparation of food. Also bears long, yellow fruit that many find delicious (Bananas).

Curtain Fig Tree: Strangler figs grow upon at the top of this tall tree. The figs grow roots that reach down to the ground creating a curtain like effect with their roots. Eventually these roots will strangle and kill the host tree.

Corpse flower: A big deep green bud. When this flower blooms the purple, furrowed leaves become visible. While beautiful to behold the smell of the flower will drive even the strongest stomachs away. The corpse flower is named for its odor that smells of dead bodies.

Heliconia: Long, semi-tall bracts, a leaf structure at the base of the flower, that alternate sides as they grow upwards. The bract can range in color from orange, purple, pink, red, yellow, or green. The small, delicate flowers of the heliconia are found inside these bracts.

Common Animals Squirrel monkey, Sloth, Anaconda, Red eyed frog, Poison dart frog, jaguar


Engelmann Spruce: Growing with a spire like crown of branches on a straight, tall tree. Four sided, sharp needles adorn the branches. Hanging from the upper reaches of the trees are cones that range from yellow to purplish-brown.

Subalpine Fir: A medium to tall tree with short, stiff branches arranged in a narrow crown. The needles of this tree have blunt tip and grow upwards. Deep purple colored cones grow upright at the top of the tree..

Bristlecone Pine: Small to medium sized trees that often have a windswept appearance. This tree gets its name from the female cones that grow on it. The deep purple cones bear incurved prickles that do not make it an appetizing for most.

Quaking Aspen: A tall tree with gray bark that is relatively smooth, this tree is quick to grow. Black knots and scars marr the trunks of the trees giving each tree character. The branches of these trees like to extend out near the top.

Golden currant: A low, woody shrub that lacks spines or bristles on their stems. The maple-like leaf is mostly three lobed and golden-yellow flowers bloom on this shrub. This shrub also bears a small bluish-black berry.

Rocky mountain juniper: A very small evergreen tree, with dark reddish-brown bark. This tree bears cones that are round, dark blue, and berry-like. The needles can range in color from dark green, to bluish, to light green.

Chokecherry: A shrub with oval leaves and white blooms. The flowers have a strong aroma that people either detest or absolutely love. A black fruit can be found on this shrub. It is said the berry is very unpleasant with a somewhat bitter and somewhat sour taste.

“Fairy Queen” Salvia Farinacea: A perennial that makes a mound as wide as it is tall, these wildflowers are stunning to behold. The blue flowers spring upward and the white dots that litter their petals gives the appearance of ‘fairy dust’ sprinkled on them.

Buttercup: A beautiful yellow wildflower that like to grow in meadows. Their shiny petals entice people to pick them. But be warned, their flowers are said to poisonous to humans.

Western wood lily: Purple spotted, red-orange flowers of this wildflower grow up to 3 feet. Their funnel shaped flowers make them popular with flower pickers.

Common Animals: Cougar, Big horn sheep, Hare, Elk, Brown bear, Snow leopard, Alpaca, Beaver

Tavarhi Desert

Barrel Cactus: Short, squat cactuses that have long, spines. At the top of the plant bright yellow, or orange flowers can bloom. When the flowers wither away small, pineapple-shaped may appear. The fruit is said to be bitter.

Brittlebush: Brittle, woody branches and long, oval silver-gray leaves catch the eyes of weary travelers. Small yellow flowers bloom on long stalks away from the stem of the bush.

Joshua Tree: The only tree to grow in the desert, this tree is sought by those lost in the waves of sand. With bell-shaped blooms and elliptical fruit, many seek the shade and reprieve this tree offers.

Desert Ironwood: A bush with bluish-green leaves. Flowers bloom in medium purple, magenta-red, or white colors. Light red-brown seed pods dot the bush.

Common Animals: Kangaroo rat, Sand fox, Ibex, Horned lizard, Kingsnake

The Portals

English Oak: A large tree with a short, stout trunk, this tree is easy to spot. The wide-spreading branches and clusters of large leaves, this tree offers wonderful opportunities for shade. Acorns also grow among the leaves.

Hawthorn: With beautiful flowers, sturdy qualities, and natural beauty, this tree is very pleasing to the eye. The flowers vary in color and bright red berries hang thickly from the branches. The berries are said to have some kind of medicinal purpose.

Hazel: A small tree, that grows more shrub like then tree like, this tree/shrub is famous for the fruit it produces. Hazelnuts (the fruit of the tree) are renowned for their taste and can be pressed for their oils.

Rowan: A small tree with dark green leaves and creamy white flowers. The dark green leaves create a stark contrast against the flowers and brilliant red berries that grow upon the branches.

Corn Cockle: Slender pink flowers perched atop delicate, long stems, these wildflowers spring up all over the place. Beautiful to look at, lovely to smell, these wildflowers are favorites among those who like to pick flowers.

Daisy: White petals splay out around a yellow center, catching one's eye. Growing flat to the ground, these wildflowers are seen more as weeds than actual flowers as they grow everywhere.

Poppy: A short, red wildflower, these flowers blanket the sides of hills and small meadows. Each flower only has four to six petals. They bloom from spring to early summer.

Common Animals: Mountain hare, Bat, European Hedgehog, European polecat

Punalu Beach

Beach Rose: A very fragrant flower that blooms in range of colors. From white to red these sweet flowers grow in little bushes along the sand dunes. The bush also bears small fruit that resembles crabapples and are very bitter.

Bayberry: A shrub that berries grow from. The bayberry bush is said to have many medicinal qualities. From the roots to the berries this coastal shrub is rumored to heal many ailments.

Coral (in water only): Soft-body organisms, called coral polyps, that have hard bases and protective limestone skeletons. Coral polyps attach to rocks and divide to create thousands of clones.

Seaweed (underwater only): Ranging in color from green to brown to red, these plants attach to the floor of ocean (or other hard surfaces) and grow. They have stem-like growths that are covered on both sides by leaf-like structures.

Common Animals: (Beach) Seagull, Plover, Pacific mole crab: (Ocean) Leatherback turtle, Seal, Shark, Whale

Da'avi Paradise

Bioluminescent Weeping Willow: Giant yet stunningly graceful in appearance, the long branches of these trees sweep the ground. Long, lance shaped leaves glow brightly in the dark; guiding wandering souls ever onward toward the prize that is Da’avi Paradise.

Bioluminescent Sycamore Maple: A large tree with broad, domed shaped crown. The broadleaves of this tree, green during the day, glow softly in the night hours. Peel back the bark of this tree and the sap also glows brightly.

Bioluminescent White Oak: With a massive canopy of branches, this tree gets as wide as it tall. The wide, deeply glossy green leaves also glow during the night. These leaves have a pinkish tinge to their luminescent glow.

Bioluminescent Daphne Mezereum: A small shrub with broad, spirally arranged leaves. This shrub bears berries that are highly toxic to humans. The leaves glow with slightly orange hue to them during the night hours.

Bioluminescent Lingonberry: Short, evergreen shrub that grows an edible berry that is great in jams. The long, oval leaves glow with redish halo around them in the dark hours.

Bioluminescent Epiphytes: These are interesting plants, these do not have roots in the ground. Growing in a variety of different organisms, epiphytes is a blanket term for many plants. Most have long, spiny leaves drape over trunks and glow with a greenish hue.

Bioluminescent Orchid: With bilateral symmetry of the flower and vibrant colors set these flowers apart from others. Highly recognizable and beautiful to behold, orchids range in color from purple to red. At night the flowers glow with purplish tinge.

Bioluminescent Dame’s Rocket: Plentiful fragrant flowers rocket toward the sky. A mound of leaves near the ground support the flowers that bloom on long stocks. Purple to white flowers spring out of the stems and glow with an icy blue halo.

Bioluminescent Amazon Water Lilies: Blooming on the water, round, cupped lily pads dot the ponds and lakes that run through Da’avi Paradise. These glow with a bright green hue and light the water under them.

Common Bioluminescent Animals: Scarlet macaw, Chimpanzee, Cobra, Okapi, Leaf-cutter ant, Freshwater dolphin, Tiger, Jaguar

Ash Lake

Dead Pine Trees: These once vibrant, beautiful examples of their species now are hollow husks of their former self. Scorched, dead branches no longer bear leaves. Their gray skins remind the passersby that this a haunted place where not much flourish.

Dead Birch Trees: Tall and thin these shells of trees are foreboding. Most lean or are knocked over. They give the illusion of fingers poking out of the ground, beckoning all those that travel onward.

Scorched Grass: Once green stalks of tall grass now are blackened and brittle. Each step taken will crunch the weak grass and grind it to powder.

Common Animals: Crow, Raven, Field Mice, Rats

Beinn Woods

Giant Sequoia: The biggest trees in the land, the red soft, yet thick bark, make this tree easy to pick out. Well that and the fact that you can see it for miles off. With a wide base and tons of branches, these trees are favorites among the wildlife.

Redwoods: The tallest trees in the land, these trees can live up to two thousand years. While tall, their trunks are not as big as the sequoia. These trees love to grow close to each other and since their branches grow higher-up the trunk, they create tall canopies in the woods.

Bigleaf Maple: A taller tree, the leaves of this maple live up to their and are the largest of the maple species of trees. The leaves weigh down the branches, causing them to sag slightly. Greenish- yellow flowers bloom among the leaves in spring.

Yarrow: A plant that produces several stems for flowers to grow from. The stems grow upward with clusters of fifteen to forty disk flowers that are surrounded by three to eight white petals to form the head of the flowers. In times long past it was said that yarrow was used to stanch bleeding.

Red Baneberry: This bush is highly poisonous to all. From the coarsely toothed leaves to the bright red berries that hang heavily from the branches, this plant is one to avoid at all costs. The juice of the berries have been rumored to have been used to tip poisonous weapons.

Coastal Indian Paintbrush: This flower is a sight to behold. With a wide variable of appearances, no two flowers are ever the same. With leaves that can range from hairy to non-hairy and flowers that range from red to yellow, these wildflowers are truly striking.

Milkmaids: These flowers can up to foot tall. Growing on a tall spike, these flowers are made up of white petals. The petals that make up each flower head close their faces in the late afternoon and do not reopen until the morning light.

Common Animals: Black bear, Elk, Cougar, Raccoon, Squirrel, Marten, Mule Deer, Chipmunk

Ilma Swamp

Bald Cypress Tree: These tall, hollow trees grow in the swampy waters. With thick trunks and tapered crowns, these trees cut a stark contrast against the mists that hang thickly here most of time. Branches tend to grow higher up the trunk.

Swamp Ash Tree: Medium to large trees, these family of ash trees also grow on the outskirts of the murky swamp waters. Their most notable feature are the seeds that grow in pods. Resembling keys or ‘helicopters’ these seeds twirl to the ground when broken off the branch.

Maple Tree: These large trees grow up to fifty feet in the waters of the swamp. These trees grow from a cluster of stems that one stump sprouts from. The branches of this tree hang low scraping the top of the water.

Creeping Wild Rye Grass: Growing on the outskirts of the water, this grass can be up to three feet tall. At the tops of the grass bud tufts of blue-green that angle away from the stem.

Switchgrass: This grass grows up to six feet tall and loves to grow in the water. With pink-tinge tufts, these long stalks are easy to pick out in the water.

Fragrant Water Lily: This plant forms large round leaves (lily pads) and fragrant flowers. The white flowers are two to six inches across and only open their faces during the sunlight hours.

Swamp Rose Mallow: This flower has five pink petals that curl back to reveal the yellow stem of pollen in the center. Growing on the edges of the waterway, these flowers are beautiful to behold. Each petal has a purple center and fades from purple, to red, to pink.

Common Animals: Alligator, Snapping turtle, Dragonfly, Anaconda, Capybara, Egret, Frog

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