
The hourglass drips on and on, and over time history fades.

What is truth to a king? A tyrant? A god?

And you? What do you value most?

Once upon a time, the land of Aspasia prospered under the peaceful rule of a grand council. Now it's kingdoms lay shattered, its people divided, and its most ancient civilization forgotten. After a thousand years of struggle and the recent opening of ancient portals, long considered obsolete, the world is changing, and its inhabitants struggling. Each choice, each decision, now more important than ever. And you? Which side will you choose?


In Legends of Amarna, your characters will be able to choose if they live in cities, villages, or in the wilderness. Each alliance's territory will begin with one (1) city, two (2) villages, and two (2) wildernesses.

The city will be the hub of the empire, and this will be where the emperor and empress rule.

Outside of the city will be two (2) villages. Each of these villages will have a ruling monarch (under the authority of the emperor/empress).

Outside of the cities and villages will be the wildernesses. These places can be harsh and hostile, or they can be comforting and homelike. These are the roots of all civilizations, and those with less than three (3) followers must begin their leadership journey here. One (1) of the wildernesses will be claimable, while one (1) will remain unclaimable.

The wilderness that cannot be claimed is on the edge of the empire's domain, and is harder to control the comings and goings. While only the permitted race (and allies of the race) will be allowed in the other boards within the territory, the unclaimable wilderness board is the only board where every species can wander freely without the emperor or empresses protection.


Cities are the hub of civilization. This is where the emperor and empress build their fortress and all of the empire's major comings and goings happen here. Cities are much more populated than villages or the wilderness, and the majority of the population lives here.

In order to claim a city, a character must have at least five (5) followers played by other members, or they must win an audition for the land. The city must remain active with the emperor/empress posting at least three (3) times IC every two weeks. At least one (1) post needs to be within the city board itself. The other posts may be anywhere else on the forum.

Perks of Living in a City

  • The Emperor/Empress will be permitted to have up to three (3) sub-boards for the city. They can name and describe them as they see fit.
  • Emperors and Empresses should appoint a Second-in-Command or regent to take care of their kingdom while they are away.
  • The Emperor/Empress will be responsible for creating rules for the whole empire, as well as rules for the city itself.
  • The Emperor/Empress are permitted to uphold their laws in whatever way they see fit. However, they may not powerplay or kill a character without permission.
  • The Emperor/Empress are permitted to punish insubordinate monarchs, however, they may not depose them of their rank, kill them, or powerplay without permission.
  • The Emperor/Empress will be responsible for creating a description and parameters for the bonus magic. Types of magic can include passive land-based magic, or active magic that all residents may wield.
  • Residents of the city will receive two (2) types of bonus magic chosen by the Emperor/Empress.
  • Residents can create shops to sell their goods and services.
  • Residents will receive protection from force-claiming for (1) in game season (1 real life month).


Currently Unclaimable

Villages are smaller towns within the territory and while they themselves can be very powerful, they still cannot compare with city life. Monarchs rule here under the empire's jurisdiction; however, monarchs are allowed to create laws of their own for the citizens.

In order to claim a village, a character must have at least three (3) followers played by other members. The village itself should remain active, and the monarch should post at least two (2) times IC every two weeks. At least one (1) post needs to be made within the village itself. The other posts may be made anywhere else on the forum.

Perks of Living in a Village

  • The monarch will be permitted to have two (2) sub-boards for the village. They can name and describe them as they see fit.
  • Monarchs should appoint a Second-in-Command or regent to take care of their kingdom while they are away.
  • The monarch will be responsible for creating rules for the village. These rules must abide by the empire rules.
  • The monarch is permitted to uphold their laws in whatever way they see fit (considering that it follows empire rules). However, they may not powerplay or kill a character without permission.
  • Residents will receive one (1) type of bonus magic chosen by the monarch.
  • The monarch will be responsible for creating a description and parameters for the bonus magic.
  • Residents can create shops to sell their goods and services
  • Residents will receive protection from force-claiming for (1) in game season (1 real life month).

Claimable Wildernesses

Currently Unclaimable

Wildernesses are just as the word means - they are the farthest and least inhabited of all the claimable lands within an empire. Wildernesses are more down-to-earth, and the inhabitants can tend to be a little wilder than their city-dwelling neighbors. There is not as much in the way of luxury, but in a pinch a wilderness can be a beautiful place to live. Even though the wildernesses lie farther from the city, it's still under the emperor and empress's jurisdiction, and their laws should be followed in addition to the monarch's own.

In order to claim a claimable wilderness a character must have at least one (1) follower played by other members. The wilderness itself should remain active, and the monarch should post at least two (2) times IC every two weeks. At least one (1) post needs to be made within the wilderness itself. The other posts may be made anywhere else on the forum.

Perks of Living in a Claimable Wilderness

  • The monarch will be permitted to have one (1) sub-boards for the wilderness. They can name and describe it as they see fit.
  • Monarchs should appoint a Second-in-Command or regent to take care of their kingdom while they are away.
  • The monarch will be responsible for creating rules for the wilderness as long as they abide by the empire rules.
  • The monarch is permitted to uphold their laws in whatever way they see fit (considering that it follows empire rules). However, they may not powerplay or kill a character without permission.
  • Residents will receive one (1) type of bonus magic chosen by the monarch.
  • The monarch will be responsible for creating a description and parameters for the bonus magic.
  • Residents can create shops to sell their goods and services.
  • Residents will receive protection from force-claiming for (1) in game season (1 real life month).

Unclaimable Wildernesses

Within each empire exists a patch of land that is unclaimed by any monarch. This land is the wildest and farthest from the city. Only those who are desperate choose to reside here. While still under the emperor/empress jurisdiction, it's harder to enforce the law so far from the center. These lands are full of the shadier dealings, and characters who would otherwise be forbidden from the land may roam here with minimum consequence. Wildernesses cannot be claimed or changed, but they are still livable for any character that enjoys roughing it out and battling the elements.

Member Owned Sub-Boards

Member owned Sub-Boards are Boards owned by an individual character. These boards are activity based, and can be created and designed however the character sees fit (as long as they stay within the site-wide rules). Because the freedom to create the Sub-Board in whatever way desired, there is freedom to create different ranks, rules, hierarchies, social dynamics, etc. It is up to the member to have fun and be creative!

Perks of Member Owned Sub-Boards

  • Complete freedom in creating ranks, rules, design, etc, of the Sub-Board.
  • The owner of the Sub-Board my uphold their rules in whatever way they see fit. However, they are not permitted to power-play or kill a character without permission.
  • Each character can own up to one sub-board at a time.
  • Emperors, Empresses, and Monarch may hold a Sub-Board in addition to their kingdom. However, unless the Sub-Board is under their kingdom, the rules for the Sub-Board may be different, and even then, only extend to its borders.
  • Members have no limit to the number of Sub-Boards they own as long as they are able to keep them active and keep it at a maximum of one per character.
  • If a member chooses to delete a character, they may have their Sub-Board transferred to another character as long as they don't already have one.
  • Sub-Board owners should have a chosen heir, regent, etc. That way if the board becomes inactive, the character is deleted, or dies, it may be passed onto someone else.

Open Lands

Perks of Open Lands

Open lands are for all characters to explore and enjoy and are not under the jurisdiction of any kingdoms or territories. Characters may wander and live here, and otherwise live in total and complete freedom (as long as site-wide rules are followed), however, it also can mean a lack of protection as there are no governing bodies to set or enforce rules.

  • Open lands are not under the jurisdiction of any kingdom, so whatever happens, happens. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the character won't be accountable for their actions from their kingdom or other kingdoms if they are caught.
  • Any and all characters my come and go in open lands freely. They may also live there for a time if they desire.
  • Characters may create Sub-Boards under the open lands if they desire.
  • Characters may create unofficial tribes, communities, guilds, etc, under the open lands. However, there will be no site-wide or kingdom rules holding them together as they are unofficial.

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