
The hourglass drips on and on, and over time history fades.

What is truth to a king? A tyrant? A god?

And you? What do you value most?

Once upon a time, the land of Aspasia prospered under the peaceful rule of a grand council. Now it's kingdoms lay shattered, its people divided, and its most ancient civilization forgotten. After a thousand years of struggle and the recent opening of ancient portals, long considered obsolete, the world is changing, and its inhabitants struggling. Each choice, each decision, now more important than ever. And you? Which side will you choose?


Claiming/Recruiting is when one character asks another character to follow them. The terms of the claim/recruit are up to the members to agree on.

All characters over the age of 18 may claim/recruit other characters regardless of race, species, or gender. However, both members need to reach an agreement before one character can claim/recruit another.

All characters under the age of 16 are automatically claimed by their parents. During this time a parent may crash any thread (open or private) that their child is in. Children are also considered residents of whatever land their parents live in until they are 16 and can choose for themselves. Other rules may be agreed upon by the said members.

Force-claiming Is only allowed on LOA if both members agree to it (with the exception below). The terms of the claim are up to the members to decide.

The only time force-claiming is allowed without an agreement between members, is when a character is within a claimed land and are considered an enemy of the land, banished, or have otherwise gotten themselves in trouble with the land. If this is the case, the ruler, second in command, or regent may enter the thread (open or not) with another character and take the offending character prisoner.

  • Once the character is taken prisoner they may be held for a minimum of two weeks and must have an escort with them during all threads that are started within the two week period.
  • After a character is taken prisoner, they must have at least one thread with their captor during this time. They cannot be free until they have at least one post of their imprisonment.
  • If a character is taken captive, and their captor does not post, there will be no penalty to the prisoner, and they will be free after two weeks is up.
  • If both the prisoner and captor agree, imprisonment may be extended as long as desired.


Any character over the age of 18 may challenge other characters. Battles may be fought anywhere on the site, and may be fought over pretty much anything. Some examples include kidnapping, taking prisoner (all with the other member’s consent of course!), land claims, or even just being looked at wrong.Have fun and be creative!

Characters may not challenge for land until they have the required number of followers for the land they are challenging for, have been active on the site at least 30 days, and have a minimum of 15 posts IC.

Once a character has completed a battle they are immune from all challenges for 2 weeks (unless they choose to hold additional battles with other members).
**This rule does not apply to land leaders or land challenges. They can be challenged for land every 30 days in spite of any other ongoing battles or challenges.

Land leaders may only be challenged for land every 30 days. This period starts AFTER the previous battle is completed, not when it is issued.

New land leaders will have a 30 day cooldown period in which they may not be challenged for land after they have claimed or won it in battle.


While battles can happen at any time and anywhere with or without staff involvement, there are certain rules for judged battles and spars. These battles will count towards your battle totals, and will help gain perks such as immortality.

LOA has five accepted battle types and two staff involved- judgement types for these battles. The battles and rules for them are the following:

Powerplay and god-modding is strictly prohibited in most battle types. However, spars allow some leniency in this rule if the other member consents to very mild-powerplay beforehand.

Members may not edit a battle post without staff’s permission once it has been posted. Do not ask staff to go back and edit grammar or writing issues. Usually permission will only be granted (or staff will do it themselves) if there was an error with the table’s coding or another graphics issue.

Members may not write battle posts for other members. If there is a large change in style between battle posts, members will be asked to provide proof that the writing was theirs.

It is not advised that pregnant characters participate in official battles or spars. Doing so will increase the likelihood of a mutation or even a miscarriage.

Members may agree on battle terms such as attacks, defenses, and time limits. However, if a descision cannot be reached, there will be default rules for both parties to follow.
**Please note that all land battles must follow the default rules

Default Battle Rules:

  • There will be an introduction post where the challenger states their challenge.
    • If it is a new thread then it should be marked with a [Battle], [Spar], [Duke], or [Death Match] tag and the Plot Account and an Admin tagged at the end of the post.
    • If the battle is started in an existing thread the Staff Account and an Admin should be tagged, and the author of the post should add the [battle] or [spar] tag to the thread title.

    After this, the defender has 72 hours to respond IC or they will automatically forfeit.

  • All battles and spars will start with a default of 4 attacks and 3 partial defenses/dodges and 1 full OR partial defense or dodge.
  • There will be a 72 hour window after the challenge has been issued for the defender to respond to the challenge IC.
  • After the defender meets the challenge, each participant needs to reply to the following post within 48 hours or it will result in an auto-hit. If they have not replied in 72 hours, it is deemed as an automatic forfeit.
  • There will be a minimum of 1 attack per post until the battle is finished. If a character chooses to take a break during the battle, their score will be docked, and they must attack twice in their following post.

Attacks: Attacks are anything that your character does to hurt or cause their opponent to stumble.

  • A single attack may have multiple parts to it. For example your character can attempt to throw their shoulder into the other character to knock them off balance while aiming towards their ear to bite it.
  • An unacceptable attack of the same kind would be that your character knocked their shoulder into their opponent, ran forward, turned around and then aimed for their ear.
The difference is that the first example is a single motion and plan of execution. The second example allows the attack time to turn around and begin a second attack.

Defenses/Dodges: Dodges and Defenses are anything that your character does to minimize or block an attack.

  • For example, a partial dodge would be where your character attempts to dodge a charge from an antlered opponent, however, they did not get fully out of the way in time and received a gash on their leg. They did not take the full blow, yet still received some damage.
  • The same theory holds for partial defenses. If they attempt to lock antlers with the other character, they would still need to receive some sort of injury for it to count as a partial (not a full dodge). In this case, it would be acceptable that the antlers nicked their skull, or they strained or bruised their neck upon impact.
  • A full dodge or defense is when the character completely dodges the attack or blocks it with no damage to themselves.

Items in Battle

Not all items may be used in battle. Acceptable items are listed below

  • Battle items, magic, official shapeshift forms, and Roselynn stones are the only items that may be used in battle by default. All other items are prohibited (including the shapeshifting item) unless members agree to the terms of use before the battle starts.
  • Weapons may be used in battle as long as long as they have the custom weapon item. Having a custom weapon will not ensure attack damage, they are just to be used as a tool to RP with.

Companions in Battle

Companions may be used in battle. However only one companion may be used per battle. Rules are listed below.

  • Companions may only be used once per battle, and have a 5 in 6 chance of an auto-hit for full damage or a 1 in 6 chance for partial damage. A companion attack will never recieve a full dodge/defense.
  • Companions do not add a free attack to the battle. They only increase the chances of a full hit.
  • If a companion is used in battle, there is a 50% chance it will become injured. If this is the case neither companion (if the character has two) may be used in battle for a minimum of three months, or until their bond has completed a quest to heal it.

Battle Types


Spars battles that are used as training or practice for characters that are on good terms. Since a spar is not as serious as the other battle types, the rules are more flexible, and injuries are less severe and take less time to heal.

Unlike other battle types, characters do not have to be 18 years of age to spar. However, it is best to remember that younger characters will not have the fighting skills of an adult. Please be realistic!

Results can be determined by dice roll or judgement. If members cannot agree it will default to a judged battle. Judged battles will have 2 - 3 judges.


Dukes are battles where staff involvement is minimal. These battles must have at least 1 attack per post (2 attacks per post is permissible if both members agree), and only 1 full dodge is permitted for the entire battle (unless store items are used). All other hits must take full or partial damage.

Characters will lose the battle either by falling unconscious, by fleeing, or consenting to their loss. These battles should be kept realistic in terms of injury (as should all battles), and characters will only be able to fight up until a certain point.

The winner and loser of these battles will be determined purely by the members roleplaying their character through the situation until one character accepts their loss. Please remember to play fair and be accepting if you lose.

Official Battle

Official Battles take place when two characters are fighting over something. These fights are more serious, and usually have something that is won or lost (or simply a display of anger and bravado).

Results can be determined by dice roll or judgement. If members cannot agree it will default to a judged battle. Judged battles will have 2 - 3 judges.

Judging for official battles will be held to a higher standard than spars. However, they still do not hold as much weight as land battles.

Land Battle

These battles are held to the highest standard and must follow the default battle rules.

The winner of Land Battles may not be determined by a dice roll, these are always judged battles. There will be 3 - 6 judges, with 6 being preferable.

Characters may not challenge for land unless they meet the requirements to challenge for the said land (followers, activity, registration date, etc).

Death Match

Death Matches follow the same rules as Dukes, HOWEVER, characters must fight until the death. The last one standing wins.

If a character losing a death match decides they don’t want to die, they may use a smoke bomb from the store to ensure their escape. However, this will result in an auto-loss.

If an immortal character participates in a death match, they will be considered “dead” when they lose consciousness.

Judgement Types


When battle results are determined by dice roll the winner is left purely up to chance. This can be good for quick spars or when the stakes aren’t as high. Both members must agree to having the battle judged by dice roll for it to occur.

When a dice roll is chosen, a six-sided dice will be rolled twice for each battle post after the thread is complete. The character with the highest score will be declared the winner.


Scored battles on LOA will have the results determined by staff and unbiased volunteers as needed. Each section of the battle will be read and judged based upon several criteria. The character with the highest score will be declared winner.
**Please Note: While there will be an overall judged section, each attack and defense will be briefly scored for fairness and accuracy.

Written Section: The written section of the battle posts will be judged for the following criteria:

  • Grammar: How was the grammar? Were there obvious spelling errors or grammatical mistakes? Were there noticable changes in tense or major changes in style? This section is for the overall grammar of the posts. Points: x/3
  • Readability: How well did the sentences flow together? Was everything clear and understandable? Or was it jumbled? Did the style change drastically and make things inconsistent? Points: x/3
  • Depth: How much depth did the writer go into? Did they explain their character’s motives? Their thoughts? How their attacks and defenses played out? How about the scenery? Did they paint an accurate picture of their character and set the scene with their descriptions?Points: x/3

Fighting Section (Overall): The fighting section will be judged for the following criteria:

  • Attacks: How did the attacks play out? Were they clear and their intent obvious? Or were they muddled and unclear? Did the attack tie in with the attack and defense of the previous posts? How was the character positioned? How about timing? Was powerplay involved? Godmodding?. Points: x/3
  • Defenses and Dodges: How did they defend themselves against their opponents attacks? Did they explain their defense or dodge clearly? Did they take realistic damage? Or did they underplay the other character’s attacks and make the other character seem weaker than they are? How were they positioned? Their timing? Points: x/3
  • Magic: If magic is used in the battle, how did it come into play? Was it used accurately with its descriptions and levels? If magic was not used by either character , it may be omitted from the scoring system. If only one character used magic, the character who did not will be awarded 1/3 points.Points: x/3

Magic Section (Overall):

Each level of magic used in battle for attacks and defenses will award the said character 1 point per level. A character that uses level three water magic will be awarded three points, and a character that uses level 2 fire magic, and level 3 light magic will be awarded five points.

Individual Fighting Section: Each attack and defense/dodge will be scored individually for accuracy, clarity, and creativity.

  • Attacks: How clear were the attacks? Did they make sense overall? Did the character stay within their own limits? How was the positioning? Were the attacks creative, or were they your typical attacks? These only need a very brief one or two sentence summary. Points: x/2 Each
    **Note: Characters that take a break during the battle will receive 0/3 points for that post, and it will non-redeemable in the following two-attack post.
  • Defenses and Dodges: How clear was the dodge/defense? Did they take appropriate damage? Did they stay within their own limits? Did they underplay their opponent’s attack? How were they positioned? These only need a very brief one or two sentence summary. Points: x/2 Each


After the results from all judges have been tallied, the character with the highest score wins. Land battles will have the strictest critique, while spars will have the most lenient judging.

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